Tuesday, 12 February 2008

I'm back for ABC Wednesday!

D is for.....
Dressed to the nines!

Clothes make a statement. Costumes tell a story.

Somebody who is "dressed to the nines" or "dressed up to the nines" is dressed to perfection or superlatively dressed. Writers have run up a whole wardrobe-full of ideas about where the expression comes from, but one very persistent theory is that the British Army's 99th Regiment of Foot were renowned for their smartness, so much so that the other regiments based with them at Aldershot in the 1850s were constantly trying to emulate them – to equal "the nines".

As you can see I am back home after spending a few days with Grandma, Molly and Holly.

Any explorer needs to be warm yet smart and I was so thrilled to read about the history of the phrase, it is so appropriate!

I still need some boots and a hat but mummy is on the case!

D is for........................
drum roll!

here I am, with mummy's slimming group friends............
tonight raising £25 towards my fare.

Yes....................I am going to the Arctic!


Leslie: said...

Oh Edmund, you are irresistable all dressed to the nines! You are yummy! ;D

Neva said...

I hope you are dressed properly for your trip!

Katney said...

Your Grandma made you the most wonderful outfits. They will serve you well in the Arctic.

Edmund, your link on Mrs. Nesbitt's Mr. Linky did not work. It took me back to Mrs. Nesbitt's Place again. I had to go search for you from past Wednesdays.

AVCr8teur said...

Edmund, you sure look sophisticated in your outfit. Congratulations and remember to pack it for your trip. I'm envious, I would love to see the Artic too. Bring back some ice cubes as souvenirs.

Berit T said...

So nice dressed, i love you :o)

FO - 2 said...

Good looking! :)

Dragonstar said...

Lovely D post Edmund - you look really smart.

Rune Eide said...

From a guy who is only dressed up to about four, you really are looking nice!

PS I suppose the picture of those ladies was taken after the slimming course?

HildeS/Frøken Fryd said...

Hello Edmund.
You look outstanding good in your new outfits:)
Hug from Norway:)

Anne-Berit said...

That`s a great D-post.Very nice dressed:o)

Gerald (Ackworth born) said...

drum roll?

da da da dum dum

Randi said...

Ohh sow cute ...i love your Dress Edmund!!

Liz Hinds said...

I think you might needs gloves (or mittens) as well, Edmund. But I like your scarf especially. It's a good job I am not going to the Arctic with you as my hands are cold aas I sit here and type!

And George says, 'Woof, I'm glad I'm not going too. Mummy tells me it's cold there and I don't like the cold. I like radiators and fires. But you do look very smart.'

Sharon said...

WOOT! Way to go Edmund! My class will be very excited to hear this! So will Beary Bear!

Love the new duds! You certainly are dressed to the nines. Your grama is a wonder. I enjoyed learning about the origin of that phrase, dressed to the nines, as well!

Pernille said...

So nice you ar in that dress!!!
Have a nice day:)

Deb said...

So handsomely dressed and so cuddly too! I want to squeeze u to bits! LOL

dot said...

You are one sharp looking little bear! I bet the girls will be after you.

hpy said...

Dressed to the nines. That's funny, in French you say "on your thirtyones" for the same thing!

DeeMom said...

Dapper Sweater for sure have a super trip

Andrea said...

You look like a darling. Cute post.

Daryl said...

How dashing you look!

ArneA said...

Homemade costume?
You need warm clothes if you plan to visit Norway.

Anonymous said...

Don't you look snapy edmund.
Happy wednesday

Petunia said...

very nice dressed:D

CG said...

You look WONDERFUl Edmund, I love your outfit.

Lilli & Nevada said...

What a nice looking outfit you have there, stay warm and safe

GAWO said...

You are a good looking cute fellow.
You need good shoes too if you are traveling North

Paulie said...

Charming sweater and scarf. . . or should I say quite "dashing and delightful for a dude?" I am glad you got your link working correctly again as I could not post to you earlier.

Silly Goose said...

Edmund! You look positively handsome in your new sweater. Congratulations on all the money you've raised.

Miss_Yves said...

Very interesting!
An idiomatic french expression "se mettre sur son trente et un "ou "être sur son trente et un" means :to be well dressed.
Teddy bear!
miss Yves

VP said...


Mrs Mac said...

LOL! Bob will be so jealous of Edmund's wardrobe!

Annie said...

You are going to the arctic? Do you have some white cousins to visit there?

A.Bananna said...

I love your new cloths! you look so handsome! :)

Barbara said...

I love your jacket Edmund!

Argument Cottage said...

Hi Edmund, it is great to see you looking so good and snug in your new clothes. I feel so much happier knowing you will be warm on your expedition.......don't forget you are coming to the BBC Tees Studio with me on Tuesday to tell the world about your trip

take care
Aunty Maria and Uncle Phil

Nancy said...

Edmund..I love your outfit.You are so adorable.
Auntie Nancy